Webinar: Understanding Islands – habitability and typology

Picture of a harbour in Orkney on a sunny day with a red fishing boat in the foreground and houses and a church in the background.

Join us on the 24th May 2023 to hear about the concept of island habitability and a typology of islands designed to aid research & policy making in relation to islands.

At the session SIF board member and islands researcher, Kirsten Gow, will introduce a new typology of Scottish islands designed to highlight the diversity across the islands and provide a framework for better research and policy making.

Joining Kirsten will be Christian Pleijel and Pia Prost from the Archipelago Institute at Åbo Akademi University who will introduce the concept of Habitability first developed on the island of Kökar in Åland to define, measure and develop the attractiveness of an island for existing and potential residents.

24th May 2023, 2.30-3.20pm UK time.

The event is FREE to members (check your email). Non members welcome, tickets £5. Booking essential.

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