The power of the Eigg Story, yesterday and today

Scotland’s Year of Stories 2022 Community Fund gave Comunn Eachdraidh Eige – the isle of Eigg History Society – a great opportunity to celebrate 25 years of Eigg community ownership in a variety of ways: The latest is an online event on Wednesday 2 November at 7.30 pm: The Power of the Eigg Story, Yesterday and Today, with Alastair McIntosh, Lesley Riddoch and Andy Wightman, three Scottish authors who have all played their part in the Eigg buy-out campaign and written widely on community empowerment. Twenty five years later, the question is: are people in Scotland still facing the same barriers to access land assets, what has changed and what still needs to change? The discussion will be moderated by former MP Calum MacDonald, who asked at the time for a set of public interest criteria which a prospective buyer would have to fulfil before taking ownership of a large estate, a new land taxation system, a land register and a land commission. To join in the discussion and send you own questions to the panel, register here.

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