SIF Island Housing Group
In our third member session looking at community-led housing, we heard from Ronnie MacRae, CEO of the Communities Housing Trust on its new Route Map for Community Led Housing in Scotland, different housing tenure models, costs & funding for projects, as well as lots of examples of community led housing.
Following previous member sessions SIF has set up an Island Housing Working Group to:
- Connect island groups with an active role or interest in housing to network, learn from each other, share expertise and work together and build a community of practice.
- Learn about different models of community-led housing and island housing solutions.
- Identify common challenges as well as solutions and ideas to feed into LA and SG policy.
- Map out existing and potential community housing activity across the islands.
This member session was organised by the new working group and you can read the full report here. If you are interested in getting involved please get in touch –