Samsø Academy reps enjoy a visit to Mull during COP26
The Scottish Islands Federation recently hosted a brief visit to the Isle of Mull by Søren Hermansen and Alexis Chatzimpiros of the world famous Samsø Energy Academy in Denmark. Both are accomplished champions of island energy projects throughout Europe and beyond, and they were keen to meet with Muileachs interested in decarbonisation and to extend encouragement by alerting islanders to the potential support available through, which is already benefiting the island of Ulva.
Our VIPs’ busy schedule acquainted them with the work of the Mull and Iona Community Trust, South West Mull and Iona Development, North West Mull Community Woodland and others, and also afforded opportunities to learn of the island of Samsø‘s success in initiating, developing and implementing an energy Masterplan over the last 25 years. These informal meetings seem to have stimulated local appetite for a strategic approach to decarbonisation on Mull.
Delighted with their visit, Søren and Alexis went on to take part in the 2021 United Nations Award ceremony for Climate Action Leadership, where Søren accepted the winner’s award( on behalf of his island. This was a recognition of Samsø’s successful collaborative work involving diverse island interests and relevant agencies at every level of government and of its ambition to be free from dependence on fossil fuels by 2030.