Consultation on the Argyll and Bute Community Renewables Opportunity Plan

Argyll and Bute Council and its partners are currently looking at how they can better assist communities in securing socio-economic benefit from renewables and the development of local renewable projects. To help achieve this, they are now considering the development of a Community Renewables Opportunity Plan (CROP).

This will inform the Argyll and Bute Renewable Energy Action Plan (REAP).  One of the specific areas of focus in the REAP is to assist local communities.

What is the consultation?

To assist in determining the scope and key areas of focus of the CROP Argyll and Bute Council are seeking the communities input and assistance.

“We need communities and groups involved in, or who are considering developing, community renewables to tell us what they need to make it easier for them to progress their projects” says Stuart Green, Senior Development officer at Argyll and Bute. “This might be:

  • better on-line information,
  • information presented in a more user friendly manner,
  • more direct support to communities,
  • advice on feed-in-tariffs and many other issues.

Whatever it is, we need to know in order for your comments and needs to be taken into account when we developing the plan.”

How do  communities take part in the consultation?

Communities can take part through our on-line questionnaire which will be open from 23rd March – 4th May 2012.

The questionnaire is available online and can be downloaded from the Council website at from 23rd March.

For further information please contact: Stuart Green, Senior Development officer, Tel: 01546 604243, Email;